Sunday 9 October 2016

11 Reasons Not To Give Up On Exercising

As it’s summer and a lot of people are getting “beach ready” these days, here are a few words of encouragement for those that try hard but simply can’t seem to lose weight (as fast as they may like).

Deciding to lose weight – or to start exercising – is the easy part. Keeping it up week after week, month after month is where things get hard — especially if you don’t see the results you want.
I know, I have been through it myself. For most of my life, I have been big. It started when I was about nine years old. From one day to the next, I just ballooned out of nowhere. The rest of my life I spent getting rid of this excess weight, and it was not easy.
Over the years, guided by experts and determination, here is what I learned.

1. Some bodies simply lose weight slower

If you do not see results in the first few weeks, it doesn’t mean you are not losing weight. That was the lesson I learned, and even though annoying, there is nothing you can do except keep going.

2. More is not always more

When you lose weight slowly, it is tempting to add more and more exercise in the hopes of losing weight faster. It does not work, it burns you out, and you’ll lose motivation. Think up a doable exercise plan (preferably with the help of an expert) and stick to it.

3. There are other benefits aside from weight loss

Even if you do not lose weight, there is always a benefit: you get fit. Daily exercise keeps you in great condition and you will feel healthier.

4. You can keep it fun

The worst thing you can do is choose something you don’t like simply because you think it’ll bring fast results. It won’t. You’ll do it for a week or two then give up. Choose something that works for you and that you can stick with.

5. You aren’t gaining weight

As long as you exercise, you are not gaining weight, which is a result in itself.

6. Variation is key

Don’t do the same exercises day in and day out. Your body will adapt to these exercises and will burn calories slower.

7. You can check in with experts

If you feel you really should be losing more weight than you are, check with an expert to see if they can help you. Maybe you have been doing the wrong exercises – an expert can help you find what’s right for you.

8. Even walking is beneficial

Walking is key with slow burners. A short walk a day makes you happy and keeps your digestive system working.

9. Starting the day with a brief burst is a wonderful thing

Starting the day with a short energetic moment — climbing the stairs, that walk I just mentioned, or any other brief outing — is wonderful. It clears your mind, gets you going, and kickstarts your digestive system.

10. Taking a day off is a good thing

Training non-stop all day every day is not good for your health, and could even lead to breaking down muscles instead of growing them. It is also mentally unhealthy to never have a day off. Your brain will enter a “there is no end to this” mode and you will start resenting exercise. Overtraining is harmful for the mind as well as the body. Take some time to rest and recover.

11. There will be results in the end

I stuck to it, trained every day, and – despite not seeing results as quick as I hoped — found that one day my trousers kept sliding down. Then I found all my clothes were wider. Without even noticing, I had gone down several sizes. I stuck to it and eventually got results.
Patience, variation, finding the right exercises, and taking enough rest is what brings the best results for everyone. Remember: Exercising is about getting fit and healthy. As long as you achieve that, the rest will take care of itself.

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