Friday 7 October 2016

When The Wife becomes the Husband

The primary duty of the man in marriage is to provide the basic needs of his family talking about the wife and the children while the primary role of the wife is to nurture the husband and the children which is the perfect definition of help mate.

Now it is important to note that no two marriages are the same and what works for you may not work for the other person and the fact that a man provides all the needs of the family does not mean that he can't assist the wife to do some of her primary duties if needs be and a wife who has become the breadwinner may also not mind playing her primary duties without any support from the husband .
But nevertheless i sincerely believe that every man whose wife have become the main bread winner or a co-bread winner to realize that it is very expedient for him to be ready to also be a co-nurturer of the family and also perform the primary duties of the woman such as cleaning the house,cooking,taking care of the children and helping the wife to do things that will ease off the stress from her.
I have heard of several cases where a man who is fully financially dependent on the wife still expects her to do all the domestic activities and prepares all three course meals and some men even get so angry with the wife because she complains of tiredness.

It is very wicked and uncaring for a man whose wife is also a partaker of his primary duties to still expect the lady to fully take care of the home front and this does not make you less a man but will rather encourage the woman and not make her look like a slave in the house.

I know some men will say it is not in our tradition as Africans to do domestic chores and I sincerely agree but we must also understand that it is also not an Africa tradition for a woman to be a breadwinner.

I don't know if this makes sense.

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