Sunday 27 November 2016

3 Reasons Why it is VERY Important to Make her We t Before $ex. .and How to Do it!
It has been said time and time again that foreplay and arousal are important to get the best se xual experience, especially for women.

Still, a lot of women complain that men are not doing enough to make sure they are good and ready for S3x.
The advice of making her wet should not be seen as a cliché or unimportant.  It will actually affect your S3x

life, not just that particular se xu al experience. Here are three reasons why.

S3x is painless

S3x is supposed to be painless and enjoyable, if you do not make sure she is w et, it is unlikely to be so. When a woman is having painful S3x because she is being pene trated when she is not ready, it will make her want S3x less. A decline in se  xual intimacy in a relationship is one of the most common reasons for breakup and unfaithfulness.

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