irrational behaviour. The dissolution of the marriage, contracted in 1983, followed a suit filed by Okoli claiming that his wife had been behaving irrationally and had denied him s'ex for eight years running.
He said, “My wife is cantankerous and nagging, without justifiable cause. She has for over eight years now denied me my conjugal rights.
“She now reacts to me in a despicable manner, which I think is intolerable. And all the efforts I have made to reconcile with her have failed because of her intransigence.
“From her ways of doing things now, it is clear that there is no more love existing between us.”
He, therefore, prayed the court to dissolve the marriage having seen evidences that it had broken down irretrievably.
In her defence, she alleged that her husband beats her at will, for which she had reported him to the Human Rights Commission at their zonal office which serves Abia in Enugu, Enugu State.
She stressed that she entrusted her husband with the gains of her trading, which gave the family three shops at Cemetery Market and four plots of land in Aba and had benefited much from her efforts.
She said that her husband had sold out two plots of the land with only two remaining now, while occupying the four rooms bungalow built in one of them at Alaoji, Ugwunagbor LGA, Aba.
Harrieth, therefore, rejected the idea of dissolution of the marriage but opted for separation between her and her husband.
Magistrate Diamond Olewengwa, having heard the parties, noted that it was obvious that the parties were no longer compatible as love, which is a cardinal point of marriage, was now extinct.
He said, “ Indeed, I am of the view that rather than continue to live in a union that may lead to either party losing his or her life, it is better to severe them for both to remain alive.”
The magistrate, therefore, declared the marriage dissolved and asked Harrieth to return her N1, 100 bride price, hence both are now free to remarry anybody of their choice.
Olewengwa granted Harrieth continued ownership of two out of three shops she claimed and gave Eugene ownership of the remaining properties the family owned.

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