S-ex during menstruation isn’t harmful
There’s a pervasive myth out there that menstrual
blood is dirty and full of impurities that might harm the
penis. This is nonsense!
Menstrual blood is a mixture of healthy blood and the
discarded tissues that line the uterus each month in
preparation for pregnancy. Coming in contact with this
blood will not harm the penis in any way. In fact,
menstruation blood serves as a great (and harmless)
There is also a common misconception that the penis
can hurt the uterus during s-ex while she’s having her
Although it’s true that a tiny opening corps up in the
uterus to pass menstrual blood during her period, this
hole is impossibly small for the penis to enter. S-ex
during menstruation causes absolutely no harm to a
woman’s uterus.
Menstruation may increase a woman’s s-ex drive
Many women feel a higher s-ex drive during their
menstrual cycle. There is a lot of conflicting and
confusing information about why this happens. But
one reason, according to Sara Gottfried, M.D., author
of The Hormone Cure, is that a woman’s estrogen is at
an all-time low at the beginning of her period. As her
estrogen levels rise over the following week, her
testosterone levels rise as well, helping her be turned
on more easily.
Another factor may be the increased blood flow and
lubrication in the genital region, a heaviness that could
translate into arousal. The possibility of getting
pregnant is also lower during this time, which might
make women feel more sexually liberal. Also, some
women may become aroused by the thought of doing
something sexually forbidden or unconventional.
You can still get pregnant.
The chances of becoming pregnant during
menstruation are extremely small, but it can still
happen. Though generally it is a very safe time to have
unprotected s-ex if you’re trying to avoid pregnancy, a
man’s sperm has the ability to survive inside the
woman’s body for a few days and there is a small
chance that an early ovulation could cause pregnancy.
If you want to avoid getting pregnant, it is best to use
S-ex during menstruation can relieve cramps. Having
an orgasm during the period may give you pain relief
from cramps by releasing pain-reducing endorphins
into the bloodstream. Also, according to some
scientists, s-ex during this time provides further relief
by using up chemicals, which are responsible for
menstrual cramps.
S-ex during menstruation could also knock a few days
off your period. This is because the extra contractions
your uterus experiences during orgasm help get rid of
menstrual blood faster, ending your cycle sooner than
usual. But, you can expect a heavy flow during the
initial days.
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