Tuesday 13 September 2016

7 Important Things To Know Before You Have Sex

Sex is a tool and mustn't be used wrongly. That's why it must not be found in wrong hands. If someone handles tools he or she isn't trained or qualified to handle, the result is better imagined than experienced.

Here are some things you need to know if you are new to sex. And if you are already a guru, this is what you need to always keep in mind.

Wether you are married or single as long as you are having access to this information, it is my joy to tell or remind you that sex is strictly for the married.

Singles should stay off sex. It doesn't matter what age you are, as long as you are not married, having sex should be the least thing you should be worried about.

We can't continue to encourage baby mamas and baby daddies and continue to settle fight among teens on different homes, families or social media. Let's not encourage child bearing out of wedlock. It's not the best for our society.

Sex is used to seal marriage union between husband and wife. This is another reason why singles are discouraged from engaging in sex. Engaging in sex with someone you are not married to can only make you become bonded when you are not supposed to be.

Little wonder, suicide between your girls and guys are on the rise. How do you continue to live your life when someone you are bonded with break up with you and you are not mature enough to handle such incident in this stage of your life?

Until you can handle marriage and all that comes with it, you should stay clear of sex. And you can't boast of being able to handle marriage until you are married.

Sex should be enjoyed. It is pleasure. But it is a taboo and poison for those that are not qualified. Poison kills and taboo is forbidden. Who are those not qualified? The singles aren't qualified if they don't want to play with poison.

Married people that are still engaging in sex only for procreation are missing a lot. Sex is not meant to engage in only when you want to make the next baby.

Sex is fun and it must be enjoyed. Gone were the days, when our fathers only go to their wives when it is time to make babies. Now, we've seen it that apart from having such plan as making babies, married people can enjoy sex.

Sex, we've been told is a form of exercise. It is said to be capable of helping to burn some calories in the system. It aids and supports good sleeping pattern as well. Also, it clears headaches.

In as much as exercise is good and should be engaged in at a regular basis, one can still engage in sex even though one hasn't relaxed on bodily exercises. It is worthy of note that sex as a form of exercise can't be substituted for the real exercise in any way. They both have their places.

So, always remember, when you engage in sex, you are indirectly doing exercise of your bodies, which is good for man kind.

We must say this again, especially for the unmarried. Engaging in sex will make you a Daddy, even when you are not ready, capable or settle down to be responsible. The same goes for ladies that aren't married but dance around sex.

Sex can make you pregnant and if you are pregnant, you would carry the pregnancy for 9 months. If you are not prepared to be taken off the scene for 9 months and it happens it could be a very bad period for you.

The fear of the baby not being accepted by the boy who's responsible for it, the thought of missing out in your education, the thought of being thrown out by your family, the thought of being stigmatized as a baby mama could be too much for you to start a life with.

This is what having unprotected sex could cost you. Married people aren't exempted from this. Engaging in indiscriminate sex by any party is always costly; either you are married or single. STD's like gonorrhea, Hiv/Aids etc are not respecters if anybody, if you don't respect yourself.

If you are too big to protect yourself, you won't be too big to be infected. If you are too big to head this advice, you won't be too big to bear the pain and the shame.

Sex is spiritual and that's why God frowns at it if found in wrong hands. Sex is not to be toyed or joked with. Sex is sacred and therefore, must be kept as such.

Sex makes two hearts tie together without physically tying it together. Sex, because it is spiritual, it is a covenant between two married people. I hope we can now see why it is best practiced by the married.

Sex is God ordained. It is God approved. It is God's plan.

These are 7 very important thing you must know before you engage in sexual act.

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